My photo
Tangerang, Banten, Indonesia
simple and joy...

Sunday, October 30, 2011


hari Sabtu, gue bikin kimbab buat buka puasa... cuma bikin 2 roll dan itu udah bikin gue kenyaaang :D
bentuk nya emang kurang bagus hahahaha... gue ngeroll nya kurang padet. jd pas diiris kurang rapi deh... isi nya pada keluar2 hahahha... tp rasa nya doog... enak deh :D semakin lama, nori/kim nya semakin enak :)

+mayonaise hmmm yummy

Thursday, October 27, 2011


Setiap ada peristiwa terorisme pasti Islam dituduh sebagai biangnya. Segala tindakan yang niat nya membuat orang lain celaka adalah perbuatan jahat. Islam tidak pernah mengajarkan hal itu, bahkan bunuh diri adalah termasuk dosa yang sangat besar.

Fakta bahwa tetap membangun perdamaian adalah salah satu dari keinginan manusia yang paling bergejolak pada saat ini. Tetapi sayangnya hal ini tidak terlihat dimanapun. Banyak terjadi peperangan di berbagai tempat.

Friday, October 14, 2011


jumat ini gue kuliah jam setengah 2.... gue berangkat jam setengah 1 kurang :p macet buuuu...

Thursday, October 13, 2011


everyone has their own purpose of life :D
yeeaahh tujuan hidup setiap orang emang beda2 (tp kalo tujuan akhir pasti sama kok hehehehhh)
but technically sih sama aja proses nya :p (setidaknya menurut saya)
hmmm jadi.. tujuan ituuu sesuatu yang pengen dicapai sama seseorang..

Tuesday, October 11, 2011


the intention is mau nonton film BADAI DI UJUNG NEGERI

badai di ujung negeri

Sunday, October 9, 2011


sushi hanaaaa bsd :D review nya gmn ya??
hmmm tempat nya bersih.. pelayanan nya memuaskan, makanan enak (jd nya worth sama harga), terus apa lagi??? ocha nya bottomless :D ===>>> yahud!
hhuhh koneksi lemot.... mau share photo tp males.. satu aja yah :p niihhhhh

this is a plate of sushi deluxe :D sooo yummy ;)


Saturday, October 8, 2011


jalan2 sama my family (umi, abi, adek2) hmmm ntah knpa tujuan nya sama kyk minggu kmrn --" ===>>> WTC *hahahah*

Wednesday, October 5, 2011


Imagine there's no Heaven
It's easy if you try
No hell below us
Above us only sky
Imagine all the people
Living for today

Tuesday, October 4, 2011


This is the time
I have to believe
No one can take my faith away


hari ini (031011) adalah hari yg menyenangkan :)jalan2, makan bareng, seru2an, n nonton film bagus di XXI BSD PLAZA sama temen2 gue tercintaaaa :D judul nya SIMFONI LUAR BIASA (A SPECIAL SYMPHONY)

Monday, October 3, 2011

WEEKEND (part 2)


hahah ada part 2 nya... iyaaa soal nya hari minggu juga ada cerita hahhahahaha....
pagi2 gue bantu2in si umi beres2 + masak... soal nya mau ada tamu.. sodara dr Cikarang... sktr jam 12 gt tamu nya pulang....
terus jam stgh 1 temen gue sms ngajak ke Lippo, mau beli sesuatu :p pas nyampe Lippo n udah dapet sesuatu nya, langsung pulang...

WEEKEND (part 1)

huhuhuhahaha gara2 inet lemot jd ga bisa blogging :p
cuma mau nulis diary aja kok....

yang orang sekitar BSD pasti tau hahhaha...
malem minggu jalan2 sama keluarga (umi, abi, sama adek gue) ke mall yg ada di BSD hehehehehhe... sekitar jam 4 sore berangkat ke WTC.... disana bentaran doang + gak jelas ngapain --" terus sktr setengah jam kemudian, dr WTC lngsung ke Giant yg depan SGU... disana (niatnya) mau belanja keperluan bulanan.... :D tapi paslg kentang belanja tau2 adek gue ngeluh sakit perut...muka nya pucet zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz --" emak gue panik deh.. terus buru2 ke kasir ngebayar belanjaan yg kentang td....  pas udah di mobil, adek gue teler hahahahahah.... 
terus bingung.. mau makan dimana yaa?? akhir nya makan di warung tenda pinggir jalan.... enak makanan nya.. standar sih... pecel ayam, bebek goreng, soto ayam..
hbs makan adek gue langsung sehat.... laper kali ya jd sakit perut... --"

Friday, September 30, 2011


Hmm … tak banyak yang bisa menyamai kenikmatan udara pagi yang kesegarannya meresap nikmat ke dalam dada.

Tuhan kami Yang Maha Penyayang,

Terima kasih atas nikmat sederhana yang selalu ada di setiap pagi dalam hidup kami ini,

Thursday, September 29, 2011



KALO MAU, SMS KE NOMER GUE 085697837415 :D


dulu, pas jaman masih semester 1-4 gue seriiing banget masak n hbs itu hasil masakan nya gue foto + gue share :p tapi semenjak semester ini agak jarang hehhehhe :( ada sih beberapa foto masakan sederhana kyk vegie sald, fusilli steam, n kimbab ala gue :p tapi gue lupa ngebackup dimana **miniSD gue rusak :(**
tapi niiihhh ada satu foto *agak blur* foto nya si kimbab :p

   ini kimbab... *dari luar* nori, nasi putih, isi nya ada crabstick, sosis, telur dadar, ketimun jepang, wasabi :D
*crabstick = optional (mahaal T_T)
*ketimun jepang = bisa substitute w/ timun biasa
*wasabi = bisa substitute w/ mayonese + chili sauce :)
*nori = bisa dibeli di carrefour gitu.. kalo ga salah ada di bagian bumbu2 gt deh *lupa* heheheh :peace

cuma share heheheh kali aja jd inspirasi buat yg baca kan? :p


gives tries to have my favorite header.. so im sorry if my header appearance is make you dizzy....

well, thats all :p

:) :D :$ :( :p ;) :k :@ :# :x :o


its very difficult when you have a friend who is very arrogant :( he or she felt we needed him/her...yup, thats right... but only for the things that's very trivial... well, on the contrary... he or she really needs us to make of him/her as a part of our group in class.... :D :D :D
i wanna kill him/her :p i hate the ppl like that... i think they're just useless and dont have any normal brain lol! :D
they gotta live in the jungle.. and married with tarzan.. lol :D :D im pretty sure that they'll be one of great couple the jungle... :D

Saturday, September 24, 2011


uuhhh beberapa hari ini saya berwisata kuliner with my partner
dari masakan resto seafood modern sampe ke masakan ala kopitiam...

Friday, September 23, 2011


every second we breathe, it is the sustenance from God... often, we are just grateful when we get some money....




heeeiii :D mau coba-coba nulis hal yg ada di dalem kepala heheh...
mau membenarkan pepatah "Buah jatuh gak jauh dari pohon nya" :D
hmmmm arti nya yaaa setau saya ===>>> nasib anak ga akan jauh beda dengan nasib orang tua nya..

Friday, August 12, 2011


officially now dudududuuuu... I'M 20.... im not a teen anymore...hahahah.... im mature.. MATURE...

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Friday, February 18, 2011


osm :)

A must know-and-read for every Muslim!
  1. To testify that there’s no God but Allaah and Muhammad is the Messenger. This is the MOST basic duty a Muslim should do; which is to utter and believe that there is no God than Allah, and Muhammad is His Messenger.
    Ash-hadu an-laa  Ilaaha illa-Allaah , wa-ash-hadu anna  Muhammadar-Rasul-ullah”


osm :)

Say: “i’m a good, truthful Muslim!”
Good manners, insyallah, start with good speech. So this article will share you on few basic communication manners Muslims should practice according to the Quran and hadith! :D

Friday, February 11, 2011


osm :)

Shirk is the most dangerous sin!
Assalammualaikum everyone! This is a (pretty) serious matter, so please read this entry carefully. Hopefully we’ll benefit something from it insyallah. :) Remember that shirk is INDEED the most dangerous sin and should be avoided no matter what! Here are some basic types of shirk:


Hijab an awesome pride for ladies!
Hijab in Islam, is basically a “dress code” for Muslim women in public. Many perceive hijab as “traditional” and a form of oppression; but truth is, hijab protects and safeguards women from harassment! The wisdom behind hijab is to minimize sexual enticement and most importantly, it is a form of obedience to our Lord, Allah.  Take hijab as your pride, and Insyallah, you will become a better Muslimah.
  1. To cover the whole body (except the face and hands). The most basic form of hijab is to cover the whole body, except the hands up to the wrist. Take note that hijab is not only about covering your head with a headscarf, but it’s about covering your body too!  A hijab isn’t complete until both requirements (head and body) are covered. 
  2. Wear loose clothes that do not reveal the shape of your body. A proper hijab requires one to wear loose clothes in order to avoid “showing” those beautiful curves! The Prophet (pbuh) has warned us that women who are dressed yet naked (ie: tight-fitting clothes) will receive harsh punishment in Hell (nauzubillah). 
  3. Put on solid and non-transparent headscarf + clothes. Think that headscarf or long skirt of yours is solid enough? Look again, it might be transparent and people are able to see the shape of your hair bun or legs! Whatever material or fabric you put on yourself; make sure they are not transparent!
  4. Wear simple and modest clothes (nothing too showy or too extreme). Ladies, keep your attire or outfit simple and modest! There’s no need to be flashy in order to attract the attention of others! Most importantly, it should be free of anything that may lead to arrogance, self-conceited, pride and riya’. As ladies, we are to display Allah’s blessings upon us in our clothing, but do it without going to the extreme of wastage or extravagance.
  5. Avoid dressing up or looking like men. “Are you a girl… or a boy?” Is the type of question other people shouldn’t be asking when it comes to an individual, and we should avoid it at all costs! Dressing up/ looking as the opposite gender is dangerous to self, as it challenges the pride and it brings confusion to others. So ladies, be proud of your girly self! :)
  6. Be proud of your Muslimah identity and fashion style! (theres no need to imitate others!). Why bother dressing up the others (ie: the unbelievers) when you, as a Muslimah, have your own identity to be proud of? By imitating them outwardly, it might lead to imitating them inwardly (beliefs, characteristics). Muslim ladies too, have their own style and fashion to be proud of! :)


osm :)

Oh Allah, grant us your Paradise, ammiin…
Every Muslim’s definite aim is to enter Paradise; where rivers flow, you can eat everything and anything you want, live in beautiful mansions, be with your loved ones for eternity and masyallah, and other limitless wonders of Jannah! But to do so, one must keep in mind that there is no free ticket to Jannah. Allah has given us many, MANY ways for the Believers to enter Paradise, so all we need to do is to do our best and makes loads of dua’s to God and insyallah, we will be granted Paradise. :) In this article, we will present to you 7 ways to enter Paradise:
  1. To avoid committing SHIRK at all costs. Shirk is the MOST dangerous sin anyone could ever commit, and it must be AVOIDED! Shirk happens when one associate Allah the Al-Mighty with other beings or items. Allah has said that He forgives all sins committed by humans, but not shirk. And beware; shirk-doers will enter Hell-fire (nauzubillah), IF they do not repent (taubah).
  2. Seek knowledge. Seeking knowledge of the Deen is a duty upon every Muslim and it’s a key to God’s beautiful Paradise! With the power of knowledge, we as righteous Muslims are able to perform our duties in obedience to Him.
    “Knowledge is the Road to Jannah,
    Islam is the vehicle that takes you to the destination,
    Quran and Sunnah are our maps,
    Our scholars are the ones who give directions,
    To get to our ultimate final destination – JANNAH”
  3. Ask for forgiveness from ALLAAH. Nobody is perfect, and everybody makes mistakes. In order to purify ourselves, there’s only one way – Taubah (Repentance)! Ask for forgiveness from Allah anywhere and at anytime, insyallah, He is always there to listen to us and that will take us to Paradise. Take note that there are 3 conditions to observe in order for your taubah to be accepted by Allah: to stop committing it (the sin), to feel sorry for committing it (regret), to decide / promise to NOT recommit it.
  4. Give salaam (greetings). Giving salaam of peace to fellow Muslims may grant you a place in Paradise! So whoever or wherever it may be, smile, and say “Assalamualaikum!” Practice this in your everyday life and insyallah, it’ll be more joyous for you.
  5. Love and have mercy on animals. nimals are beautiful and magnificent creations of Allah and they too, posses feelings! As righteous Muslims, we are taught to take care, love and have mercy on ALL kinds of animals; cats, goats, dogs and even small insects! So the next time you see a starving, meowing cat by the sidewalk, why not offer some food for it? With that minor action, Allah might just grant you Paradise, insyallah.
  6. Recite/zikir “La hawlaa wa laa quawatta illah billah” (there’s no power or strength but in Allaah). Reciting the above zikir is a person’s admission that he or she in unable to do anything without the help and support of Allah. So recite “La hawlaa wa laa quawatta illah billah” anytime (especially in distress, etc) and believe in Allah’s help and guidance. According to a hadith from Imam Ahmad, this zikir is one of the treasures of Paradise.
  7. Give sadaqah. In Islam, giving sadaqah is HIGHLY noble and is always emphasized on, especially if you are granted with more wealth from others. It helps the needy, the poor, the orphans, etc AND it gives you a place in Paradise! Remember: “The more you give, the more you will get from Allah” and masyallah that is very true :)


osm :)

5 simple ways to make our wuduq better! :)

Wuduq, or ablution is an act of washing parts of our body. Being a righteous Muslim, wuduq is done on daily basis (before praying, sleeping, etc). So being said that, wuduq should be taken seriously and we must always do our best to make our wuduq better :) So here are some simple ways to make our wuduq better, insha Allaah.
  1. Brush teeth using toothbrush or siwak before/after taking wuduq. What’s better than having a complete, nice, wuduq before meeting Allah (prayers)? Awesome, fresh teeth and mouth of course! :D Although brushing teeth is not a compulsory part of wuduq, it is still highly recommended!
  2. Take wuduq regularly. Wuduq plays an important role in a Muslim’s life, for wuduq does not only clean parts of our body, but did you know that whoever takes wuduq, your sins will be washed out? Masyallah! How simple is that? So take wuduq regularly and be fresh 24/7!
  3. To ensure water goes in between fingers and toes. The next time you’re taking wuduq, pay attention to washing your hands and feet! Make sure that water goes in between your fingers and toes! Also, make sure that water reaches your heels, because a wuduq is invalid if water does not reach your heels (and other compulsory parts).
  4. Wipe whole head till back (not just front bit). The correct way of taking wuduq for the head part is to wipe the WHOLE head, and not solely on the front bit. To do so, wet your hands and start wiping at the front and then make way to the back of the head, then back to where you started.
  5. Minimize usage of water (save water). Saving the environment (in this case, water) is a job for every Muslim! When taking wuduq, minimize the usage of water by not allowing water gushing out from the tap too much! Turn the tap just nicely to ensure parts of your body are covered with water. Remember; you’re trying to get rewards from taking wuduq, not sins!

Thursday, February 10, 2011


Photographed January 3, 2010 at Citation in Nashville
“I don’t know if I’ll ever be 100 percent comfortable in a dress onstage.”
“I’m a loud person,” says 21-year-old Hayley Williams, Paramore’s fiery-haired, Lilliputian front woman, whose vocal adrenaline has made the band’s ferocious pop punk more than just a teenage phenomenon. The band’s 2009 album, Brand New Eyes, debuted at No. 2 on the Billboard chart, delivering the kind of angst-filled rock that makes you want to crank up the volume and curse every loser who’s ever wronged you. Williams found inspiration from Paramore’s own internal drama: In the midst of its sold-out European tour in 2008, the group canceled several dates. Williams, who dated Paramore guitarist Josh Farro (they broke up prior to the tour), says she and the boys needed some time apart. “I felt a little overprotected,” she admits. “But now I can take care of myself.” Besides, the Tennessean, who grew up adoring the Distillers’ Brody Dalle and prefers a uniform of jeans and Nikes, has never been much of a girly girl. “[Onstage], my everyday thing would be a cut-up T-shirt and a good pair of pants that don’t show booty cleavage when you headbang.”—J.V.
♥♥♥♥♥♥♥IM A BIG FAN ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥


Islam is a way of life; it even has guides or ethics of sleeping which makes us healthier and more energized when we wake up in the morning! Masyallah :)
  1. Introduction to sleeping. Sleeping, when done with the right niyah (intentions) can be considered as a good deed in the eyes of Allah. The purpose of sleeping (at night) is for our bodies and minds to take a temporary “time-out” and as a refresher to work during the day! So use your nights wisely to sleep, and get rewarded doing it insyallah ;)
  2. Take wuduq before going to bed. Wuduq is a form of purity and it should be taken/ performed not only for praying purposes- but for preparation to sleep aswell! That way, insyallah, you will stay pure during your sleep. In addition, the Devil (syaitaan) will be less able to harm or frighten us during our sleep. (nightmares… yikes!)
  3. Dust off mattress / bed before sleeping. It is also sunnah to dust off your mattress or bed before sleeping! It is known that the syaitaan is everywhere and enjoy teasing the ummah; thus doing this act can ensure that the syaitaan does NOT sleep on the same bed! Double yikes! Summary of steps from the hadith*:
    1) Dust off mattress before sleeping on bed
    2) Dust the mattress off three times
    3) As dusting it off, say “Bismillah”
    4) Use lower garment to dust (or with blanket, pillow etc)
  4. Recite verses from the Quran (last 3 verses and Kursi) —> blow into hands —> wipe over face nd body. The Prophet s.a.w would recite verses of the Quran, blow in his hands and wipe his face and body before going to sleep. In fact, he would perform this every single night so therefore we as his ummah should practice this noble act too! This way, insyallah, Allah would protect us from Black Magic (sihir) and evil.



Typically, for a girl who has grown, girls who are working overseas, a daughter who joined her husband’s wander outside the city or abroad, girls who school or college away from both parents, will often feel missed with their mother.
And what about Dad?
Perhaps, because mothers often call to ask your situation every day. But do you know, apparently father was the one who reminds Mom to call you…
 Maybe once when you’re little, mother was the one who often telling a story to you, but do you know? That after father worked and tired, father was always asking about are you and what did you do all day?
By the time you are still a little girl. Father is usually teach his little daughter to ride a bike. And after he know you can, he will release the auxiliary wheel in your bike.
Then Mother said: “Not yet, Dad! Don’t be release the auxiliary wheel!”
Mother was afraid if her sweet daughter fell, and hurt ….
But do you realize?
That father with confidence will let you, look at you, and watch carefully when you are pedaling your bike.. Because he knows his little girl SURE CAN.
When you cry, whine request new dolls or toys, mother looked at you with pity. But father will say emphatically: “We can buy it later, but not now.”
Do you know? Dad do that because he don’t want you become a spoiled child with all the demands.
When you’re cold, father who was too worried, sometimes he yell a little by saying: “Have I told you! Do not drink cold water! “.
Not the same as mother who observe and advise you gently.
Know that, father really worried about you.
When you’ve got teenagers. You start demanding on father for permission to go out at night, and father was firm and said: “Not allowed!”.
Did you know that father do that to take care of you?
As for Dad, you are something very-very extraordinary valuable..
After that you’re mad at father, and entered the room, slamming the door …
And who comes knocking door to persuade you not to upset is mother ….
Do you know? That father closed his eyes and holding within his inner turmoil.
Father was eager to follow your wishes, but once again he MUST take care of you?
When a guy started to often call you or even come to the house to see you.
Dad would put the coolest face in the world :’)
Father occasionally eavesdropping, peeping when you are chatting together in the living room.
Do you realize, if father feel jealous?
When you begin to be more believable, and father relax a little out of the house rules for you, you will force to violate time at night.
So, that father was sitting in the living room, and waiting to go home with a heart that is very worry…
And he feel protracted worried …
When he saw his little girl’s came home late at night, father angry to you.. His heart will harden.. .
Do you realize? This is because what father feared will coming soon.
“That his little girl will soon be going to leave him.”

After graduating from high school, father will be a little force you to become a scholar.
Know that, father just thinking about your future later …
But father still smile and support you when your choice is not the same with his wishes..
When you become an adult girl. And you have to go to college in another city. Dad must let you go when at the airport.
Do you know that father’s body was stiff to hold you?
He just smiled as he gave advices, and tell you to be careful. .
And he want to cry like a mother and hug you tight.
Father just remove a little tear in the corner of his eyes, patted your shoulder and saying: “Take care of yourself, dear.”
Dad do it all for you STRONGER. Strong to go and become adults.
When you need money to finance your lecture and your life, the first person who frowned is father.
Father must have try hard to find a way so that his children can feel the same with other friends.
When your request is no longer simply asking a new doll, and he know he can not give what you want.
The words that came out of father’s mouth was : “No. No way!”.
In fact in father’s mind, he was eager to say “Yes dear, I’ll buy it for you.”
Do you know that father feels failed to make his child smile of that moment?
It’s time for you to graduated as a scholar.
Father was the first person who stand up and applaud for you.
Father will smile with pride and satisfaction of seeing “his little girl who are not spoiled, who grow up successfully, and has become a person”.
Until when your boyfriend came over and asked for permission to father to take you from him.
Father would be very careful to give permission.
Because he know.
That man is who will replace his position later.
And finally…
When father saw you sitting on the bridal stage with a man who worthy man to replace his position, father was smiling happy.
Do you know? In that happy day, father went backward stage for a while, and weep?
Father  was crying because he is very happy, then father prayed.
In a quiet prayer to God, father said :
“Oh, Allah. My cute little girl who I love has become a beautiful woman. May she happy with her husband.”
After that, father could only wait your arrive with his grandchildren who occasionally come to visit him. Father has completed his duty to guide and protect you.
Our father is a figure that should always look strong. Even when he was not too strong to not cry. He should look firm. Even when he wants to pamper you.
And he was the first person who always believes that “YOU CAN” in all things.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011


Having parents is one of the biggest gift (rezeki) given to us by Al-Mighty Allah. Without us realizing, they have been and will always be our best friends; the ones who will always love and care for us no matter when or what happens, masyallah! If you still have your parents around, be thankful and keep giving your love to them! However, if your parents have gone back to Allaah, do not be sad! Allah promises that the Believers will be reunited with their parents in Jannah (Paradise) later, insyallah.
Here are some very basic ways for children to treat their parents:
  1. Show unlimited kindness to your parents. The most essential duty of a Muslim child (no matter how young or old you are!) is to show kindness and respect towards his or her parents. This can be in a form of many things; from kind words to warm hugs! In fact, Allah has commanded us to be kind to our parents in His verses, so it’s an important duty that should be taken seriously.
  2. Always utter nice and generous words to your parents. Parents are to be treated like Kings and Queens; hence we as daughters or sons should always speak nicely and generously to our parents! And don’t forget to smile whenever you speak to them (yes, even if you’re on the phone! :P)
  3. Give EXTRA love to your mother. Have you ever heard a nasyeed called “Your Mother” by Yusuf Islam? This is also one of the ways to treat your parent; which is to give EXTRA love to her! Mothers deserve fine and awesome treatment, for they have borne the child’s burden during pregnancy, has undergone birth pains, sacrificed her own comfort to her children, so many others! But this doesn’t mean you should ignore your fathers! They too, are super awesome, so both parents must be treated with much respect.
  4. Show appreciation towards your parents. Don’t wait for special occasions to show your appreciation towards your loving parents! There are many ways to show your appreciation to them; like giving flowers, free back massage, cards, cook their favourite food, and many many others (within your capability and creativity!) And remember, everytime you do, do it with the right “niat”, and full with sincerity. In the end you’d just want to please Allah and make your parents feeling joyous :)
  5. Make du3a for them. The best way to treat your parents is to continuously make dua’ for them! Make dua’ in your prayers or sujud, whenever you thinking or missing them, or even the times when they are in your presence. May Allah bless our beloved parents and grant them Paradise, amin!
  6. Whenever you feel like it, tell your parents without hesitation: “I LOVE YOU!”


Tuesday, February 8, 2011

♥ = friends :)

im me because youre always be my side and always support what i wanna do.. we’re cry, we’re mad, we’re advices, and we’re keep protect each other.. 
we’re friends
we’re families
    we’re good friends
♥ ♥ theres no need to laugh when no friends in my side ♥ ♥



1. Sekilas

Hypnotherapi adalah terapi yang dilakukan pada subjek dalam kondisi Hypnosis.

Kata "hypnosis" pertama kali diperkenalkan oleh James Braid, seorang dokter ternama di Inggris. Sebelumnya, hypnosis dikenal dengan nama Mesmerism / Magnetism.

Pengertian hipnosis sebenarnya adalah ilmu yang mempelajari pikiran alam bawah sadar. Ada yang berpendapat bahwa teknik hipnotis adalah sebuah teknik jahat melalui alam bawah sadar, teknik hipnotis adalah sebuah teknik menyembuhkan melalui alam bawah sadar, ada juga yang berpendapat bahwa teknik hipnotis adalah sebuah teknik yang tidak berbahaya dimana teknik ini bisa merubah hidup orang yang menggunakannya. dpat disimpulkan, hipnosis adalah ilmunya sedangkan hipnotis adalah sebutan orang untuk melakukan hipnosis. Namun kebanyakan orang Indonesia menyebut hipnosis dengan kata hipnotis.

Hipnosis memungkinkan individu masuk ke dalam kondisi bawah sadar. Individu yang berada pada kondisi “hypnotic trance” lebih terbuka terhadap sugesti dan dapat dinetralkan dari berbagai rasa takut berlebih (phobia), trauma ataupun rasa sakit.

Definisi hypnosis yang dibuat oleh U.S. Department of Education, Human Services Division, dikatakan bahwa; “Hypnosis is the by-pass of the critical factor of the conscious mind followed by the establishment of acceptable selective thinking” atau “Hypnosis adalah penembusan faktor kritis pikiran sadar diikuti dengan diterimanya suatu pemikiran atau sugesti”.

Hypnotherapy, kini merupakan fenomena ilmiah, namun hingga kini masih belum terdapat definisi yang jelas, bagaimana sebenarnya mekanisme kerja hypnotherapy. Beberapa ilmuwan berspekulasi bahwa hipnotherapi menstimulir otak untuk melepaskan neurotransmiter, zat kimia yang terdapat di otak, encephalin dan endhorphin yang berfungsi untuk meningkatkan mood sehingga dapat mengubah penerimaan individu terhadap sakit atau gejala fisik lainnya.

2. Jenis Hypnosis

Banyak sekali manfaat hypnosis. Jenis-jenis hypnosis di bawah ini dibedakan bedasarkan bidang aplikasinya yang paling populer dalam dunia hypnosis.

Hypnotherapy atau Clinical Hypnosis adalah aplikasi hypnosis dalam menyembuhkan gangguan mental dan meringankan gangguan fisik. Hypnosis telah terbukti secara medis bisa mengatasi berbagai macam gangguan psikologis maupun fisik. HYPNOSIS, tidak seperti cara pengobatan lain yang mengobati gejala (simptom) atau akibat yang muncul. Hynosis ber-urusan langsung dengan penyebab suatu masalah. Dengan menghilangkan penyebabnya maka secara otomatis akibat yang ditimbulkan akan lenyap atau tersembuhkan.

Yaitu penggunaan hypnosis untuk dunia medis, terutama oleh dokter ahli bedah dan dokter gigi dalam menciptakan efek anesthesia tanpa menggunakan obat bius. Teknik hypnosis yang digunakan untuk anestesi sudah digunakan oleh John Elliotson (1791 -1868). Elliotson adalah dokter yang pertama kali menggunakan mesmerisme (nama kuno dari hypnotism) untuk melakukan pembedahan tanpa rasa sakit. Catatan: pada masa itu belum ditemukan obat bius yang disuntikkan ataupun dihirup.

Dalam penyelidikan kepolisian, hypnosis bisa digunakan untuk menggali informasi dari saksi. Suatu kejadian traumatis seperti dalam kasus kejahatan yang menakutkan cenderung membuat pikiran bawah sadar menyembunyikan ingatan yang lengkap tentang kejadian tersebut agar tidak bisa diingat oleh pikiran sadar. Tujuan pikiran sadar menyembunyikan informasi itu sesungguhnya untuk kebaikan diri sendiri, karena apabila kejadian itu bisa diingat dalam kondisi sadar, maka rasa ketakutan akan sering muncul tanpa sebab. Dengan bantuan hypnosis, korban atau saksi bisa mengingat kembali dengan sangat jelas.
Hypnosis tidak bisa digunakan untuk mendapatkan pengakuan yang jujur dari pelaku kriminal. Pertama karena pelaku kejahatan pasti akan menolak untuk dihipnotis, dan kedua dalam kondisi hypnosis, seseorang tetap bisa berbohong. Hypnosis berperan mengungkap kejahatan jika diterapkan kepada saksi atau korban. Dengan teknik regresi atau hypernesia, saksi atau korban kejahatan bisa menceritakan dengan sangat rinci tentang peristiwa yang pernah dialaminya.

Metaphysical hypnosis adalah aplikasi hypnosis dalam meneliti berbagai fenomena metafisik seperti Out of Body Travel, ESP, Clairvoyance, Clairaudience, Komunikasi dengan inner-self, meditasi, mengakses kekuatan superconscious mind dan eksperimen-eksperimen metafisika lainnya. Kebetulan kami kurang tertarik untuk mengembangkan Metaphysical Hypnosis. Dengan kata lain, kami bukan tempat bertanya yang tepat apabila anda punya pertanyaan tentang manfaat hypnosis untuk hal-hal metafisik tersebut.

Comedy hypnosis adalah hypnosis yang digunakan untuk hiburan semata. Comedy Hypnosis juga sering disebut sebagai Stage Hypnosis. Dinamakan stage hypnosis atau hypnosis panggung karena pada awalnya hypnosis untuk hiburan hanya diperankan di atas panggung. Namun Comedy Hypnosis sekarang tidak terbatas dalam panggung. Di jalan, taman, mall, kampus atau dimana saja Anda bisa mempraktekkan Comedy Hypnosis.
Untuk mempelajari Comedy hypnosis sangat mudah. Anda hanya butuh waktu beberapa jam saja, dan sudah siap untuk terjun ke lapangan. Jika Anda pernah melihat acara stage hypnosis, mungkin Anda menjadi takut dengan hypnosis karena sepertinya seorang hipnotist bisa se-enaknya mengendalikan subjek (orang yang dihipnotis).
Sebenarnya tidak ada orang lain yang bisa mengendalikan Anda, kecuali Anda mengizinkan untuk dikendalikan. Semua subjek yang menjadi peserta stage hypnosis sudah mengizinkan dirinya untuk dihipnotis, dan secara tidak langsung dia juga mengizinkan dirinya untuk "dipermainkan" oleh hipnotist. Jika dirinya tidak mau ditertawakan, pastinya dia tidak bersedia dihipnotis. Seandainya Anda menolak untuk dihipnotis, maka sekuat apapun hypnotist berusaha, Anda tidak akan bisa terhipnotis.

3. Hypnotherapy
Hypnosis secara perlahan telah menunjukkan keberadaannya seiring dengan semakin meningkatnya penerimaan pada dunia medis.
Hypnosis banyak digunakan dibidang seperti pengobatan dan olahraga untuk mengubah mekanisme otak manusia dalam menginterprestasikan pengalaman dan menghasilkan perubahan pada persepsi dan tingkah laku. Aplikasi hypnosis untuk tujuan perbaikan (therapeutic) dikenal sebagai hypnotherapy.

Hypnotherapi telah terbukti memiliki beragam kegunaan untuk mengatasi berbagai permasalahan yang berkenaan dengan emosi dan perilaku. Bahkan beberapa kasus medis serius seperti kanker dan serangan jantung, hypnotherapi mempercepat pemulihan kondisi seorang penderita. Hal ini sangat dimungkinkan karena hypnotherapi diarahkan untuk meningkatkan sistem kekebalan tubuh dan memprogram ulang penyikapan individu terhadap penyakit yang dideritanya.

Hypnosis sangat berguna dalam mengatasi beragam kasus berkenaan dengan kecemasan, ketegangan, depresi, phobia dan dapat membantu untuk menghilangkan kebiasaan buruk seperti ketergantungan pada rokok, alkohol dan obat-obatan. Dengan memberi sugesti, seseorang terapis dapat membangun berbagai kondisi emosional positif berkenaan dengan menjadi seorang bukan perokok dan penolakan terhadap rasa ataupun aroma rokok.

Khusus untuk phobia, hypnotherapy digunakan untuk mereduksi kecemasan yang mengambil alih kontrol individu atas dirinya. Hal ini dapat diwujudkan dengan menciptakan suatu gambaran nyata tentang kondisi yang menyebabkan phobia namun individu tetap dalam kondisi relax, sehingga membantu mereka untuk menyesuaikan ulang reaksi mereka pada kondisi yang menyebabkan phobia menjadi normal dan respon yang lebih tenang.

Manfaat hipnotis dan fungsi hipnotis tergantung pada setiap individu yang melakukan hipnotis, karena hipnotis sendiri erat kaitannya dengan alam bawah sadar. Dari begitu banyaknya pengertian hipnotis, maka dapat disimpulkan bahwa pengertian hipnotis merupakan suatu fenomena psikis dan bukan fisik yang dilakukan dengan teknik tertentu atau yang dikenal dengan teknik hipnotis yang wajar dan tidak akan berproses jika bertentangan dengan keinginan klien.