My photo
Tangerang, Banten, Indonesia
simple and joy...

Friday, November 2, 2012


Baju baju cewek OK Quality with affordable price :)
Untuk order, please hubungi nomer HP yg tercantum di post ini ya :)

ready warna baby pink, coklat tua, deep seagreen, maroon, ungu muda, ungu tua.

IDR 60rb
085697837415 / 082111494486








ready warna abu dan krem :)
IDR 63rb

085697837415 / 082111494486




For payment bisa melalui rekening bank:


B n R
_Entre OnlineShop_ 

Thursday, November 1, 2012


kadang serba salah -___-"
baik ke semua orang dibilang PHP... giliran jaga jarak sedikit dikatain jual mahal... what the???

as warm as the sun, as silly as fun... as cool as a tree, as scary as the sea.. as hot as fire, as cold as ice.. sweet as sugar and everything nice..

cause i wanna be everything at once :p biar gak serba salah muluuuuu >,<

Friday, October 12, 2012


sometimes we just fell apart from something that we want....we all know, thats uncomfortable.. but in the other side, we all know that we cant get it for some reason that we cant deny...

so the only way to escape is forget it.. forget it! challenge your self and say : the world's so big, I will find my destiny to be happy :)

when things start confusing and awkward, just be your self... act like nothing happen and keep smile :) :) :)

Saturday, October 6, 2012


hmmm weekend ya boookkk...
baru kali ini bokap nyuci mobil di rumah.. biasa nya selalu di car wash.. terus bokap nawarin gue buat 'bantuin' nyuci mobil.. WOW! gue semangat dooong :p gue suka ngurusin mobil soal nya..

finally, pagi ini gue pun bawa ember + shampoo mobil + kanebo + lap ke garasi.

mobil udah dibasahin sama bokap.. trus dijelasin deh tu cara nyuci nya begini  begini begini :D okeeee :p

ehh ternyata gue yg disuruh nyuciiii :O gue bukan bantuin.. tp emg gue yg nyuci -,- huhuhu bokap gue malah pergi sama nyokap gue naek motor... aaaaaaaaaa hahahahahha -______-"

eemmmm 45 menit kali yah kelar tuh gue nyuci mobil..... udah gue bilas.. gue keringin pake kanebo segala....

hasil nyaaaa *excited*

*motret nya dari jauh :p biar ga ketawan nyuci nya ga terlalu bersih wakakakka*

happy weekend all :* <3

Saturday, September 29, 2012

SOLUSI : HP Nokia Error

kamu punya HP Nokia yg error?? setiap ada sms gak muncul dilayar dan suara ringtone ga bunyi pdhl udah disetting ringing????
Ini solusi nya :)

1. Backup semua data yang ada di memory telepon soal nya data2 dan semua aplikasi java bakal ilang :p
2. Lepasin MMC dari HP.
3. Terus ketik *#7370#... dan masukan kode ponsel nokia (12345).. HP bakal ngerestart..tunggu HP nyala lagi dan HP bisa langsung dipake dehhhh.

gue udah pernah praktekin ke HP Nokia gue yg lg error dan hasil nya HP gue bener lagi :)

semoga bermanfaat ya :D

Saturday, September 22, 2012

kinda hard adaptation

hmm 'anak bawang' a.k.a new comer of an office. .. its me.. yeah its me :p
ok i'll give my best.....  seems it'll took great effort..fyuhhhh.. and it would be worth, of course. aaaand, ok here i go... :)

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

growth in progress :D

hmm.. tanggal 7 bulan agustus 2012 gue sidang TA.. dinyatain LULUS..
naroh lamaran kerja ke suatu perusahaan yg bergerak di bidang pemuatan panel listrik  dan Alhamdulillah beberapa hari kemudian kesaring buat interview.. setelah seminggu lebih, tepat nya sih hari ini tanggal 19 September 2012 gue ditelepon sama perusahaan itu.. dikabarin besok ini gue udah mulai kerja.. waw how excited am i :D hahaha.. meet the new environment, new people, new friends, and..... new boss.a

yep, growth in progress :D gak kerasa gue udah lulus kuliah D3 tepat waktu..udah jadi WOMAN.. not a girl anymore :D
well wish me luck!!!! :)

Saturday, May 26, 2012


boleh .. silahkan kalo lo mau sok tau tentang hal apapun.. tapi jangan sekali2 lo sok tau tau tentang diri gue! *warning*

actually you dont know what my life is like.. so just stfu!!

you're not a judge, so what's your rights for judging me?
really annoying.

Friday, March 23, 2012

mumpung libur

mumpung hari ini libur, kita sekeluarga (less one) jalan2... kita makan siang di Bebek Kaleyo BSD... hmmm gue udah sering makan menu nya.. tp jarang ngiras di resto nya... hehehhee... gokiiilll penuh banjeeettt tu restoran...akhir nya kita dapet tempat duduk yg lesehan (niat nya dr rumah emg pengen lesehan).

Thursday, March 22, 2012

iseng2 post

ini breakfast

after breakfast

my lunch

breakfast roti bagelen & susu coklat dingin hmmmm =p~ *itu appetizer nya doang lho yaaaaa*

lunch murah meriah n enakkk :-bd
lima ribu isi nya : 6 bakso, 2 tahu, 2 pangsit kering.. sedaaaaapppp.. ajib :p

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

soundtrack of my day

soundtrack hari ini adalah Brighter by Paramore ;)

The Lion King II Soundtrack- We Are One (Movie Version)

us 90's kids are so lucky, we had all the best films ever made. Lion King, Tarzan, Toy Story, Aladdin, Bambi, The Little Mermaid, Beauty and the Beast, Mulan, Winnie the Pooh, Black Beauty..

Sunday, March 18, 2012



hmm kemarin (170312) gue ada jadwal kuliah pukul 15.15 - 16.45 (:| jam KENTANG tuh :| mana hari Sabtu.. udah gitu kmrn dosen nya ga dateng2. karena emang rencana nya habis pulang kuliah gue mau ke McD sama temen2 gue :-bd