My photo
Tangerang, Banten, Indonesia
simple and joy...

Saturday, October 27, 2012


cerita di minggu malam (211012)

Friday, October 12, 2012


sometimes we just fell apart from something that we want....we all know, thats uncomfortable.. but in the other side, we all know that we cant get it for some reason that we cant deny...

so the only way to escape is forget it.. forget it! challenge your self and say : the world's so big, I will find my destiny to be happy :)

when things start confusing and awkward, just be your self... act like nothing happen and keep smile :) :) :)

Saturday, October 6, 2012


hmmm weekend ya boookkk...
baru kali ini bokap nyuci mobil di rumah.. biasa nya selalu di car wash.. terus bokap nawarin gue buat 'bantuin' nyuci mobil.. WOW! gue semangat dooong :p gue suka ngurusin mobil soal nya..

finally, pagi ini gue pun bawa ember + shampoo mobil + kanebo + lap ke garasi.

mobil udah dibasahin sama bokap.. trus dijelasin deh tu cara nyuci nya begini  begini begini :D okeeee :p

ehh ternyata gue yg disuruh nyuciiii :O gue bukan bantuin.. tp emg gue yg nyuci -,- huhuhu bokap gue malah pergi sama nyokap gue naek motor... aaaaaaaaaa hahahahahha -______-"

eemmmm 45 menit kali yah kelar tuh gue nyuci mobil..... udah gue bilas.. gue keringin pake kanebo segala....

hasil nyaaaa *excited*

*motret nya dari jauh :p biar ga ketawan nyuci nya ga terlalu bersih wakakakka*

happy weekend all :* <3